Nella Horse Blanket - Anna Scarpati

Customizable Fleece Horse Blanket

Manufacturing time :
7 to 9 weeks / Embroidery + 2 weeks

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Nella Fleece Horse Blanket by Anna Scarpati 

Made in high quality Firenze Fleece.
Front closure with fastener hooks.
In addition, the wide variety of color choices and cords allows you create your horse's blanket in perfect harmony with your style.

Many customization options for this Horse Blanket:
Choose the size needed for your horse.
12 different color options for the blanket
26 color options for the binding
Choose up to 3 decorative cords - multitude of colors (mono or multi-colored)

To further personalize your ASUP Neal Horse Blanket, you can add custom embroidery.
Attention, this adds a week to the regular delivery time.

Size Chart            
Size XS S M L XL  
CM 120 cm 130 cm 140 cm 150 cm 160 cm  


fermeture boucleschemise nella

Anna et ses couturières accordent le plus grand soin à la confection de votre tapis jusque dans les moindre détails.

Anna Scarpati est une marque du groupe Animo dont les ateliers sont situés en Italie.

Terms of delivery

These blankets being customizable,

it will be necessary to count a manufacturing time of  7 to 9 working weeks / embroidery + 2 weeks


We will send them to you in 24 or 48 hours

according to the delivery method you will have chosen at the time of your order.

This product will be realized according to your specifications, it means, the information provided in your order : size, colors and options.
Considering the specificity of Customizable products, they can not be exchanged or refunded.
For any question about a color or a technical specification, please contact us :

According to Article L121-20-2 of the Code of Consumption :
The right of withdrawal may be exercised (...) for contracts (...) 3 ° supply of goods made to the consumer's specifications or clearly personalized.

The embroidery will be done strictly following your indications, spelling, capital letters, size, font and color.
For saddle pads they will be made on one side (left as on the visual).

Create your style with the custom-made products available on

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